Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rocking out

I command you to rock out. Now.

Rock out like you just got new ink in your printer.
Rock out like the iPhone 7 just came out (apple skipped 5 & 6).
Rock out like you were swinging on a tree branch, then the branch snapped.
Rock out like you just got a snickers ice cream bar.

Rock out like you got an Re Tweet from Chris Brown on twitter.

Rock out like you've never rocked out before.


  1. Rock out like the iPhone 7 just came out (apple skipped 5 & 6).
    That'd be nice.
    good job.

  2. short and sweet, i like it. "rock out like you just got a snickers ice cream bar." that sounds sooo good! haha

  3. This is really cute and short, but I think you could have made it longer. =]
